The 15th IEEE International Conference on KNOWLEDGE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (KSE 2023)
October 18-20, 2023, Ha Noi, Vietnam

The 15th International Conference on

Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE 2023)

Hanoi, Vietnam, October 18-20, 2023
Special Session:

Cyber Security & Cryptography

The number and scale of cyberattacks in recent years have increased rapidly due to several factors, including the increasing normalcy of cyber operations within international politics, the growing reliance of industry on digital infrastructure, and the difficulties in maintaining adequate cybersecurity workforces. This session seeks novel research contributions and brings together researchers and practitioners specializing in any aspect of cyber security to discuss emerging methods and techniques for understanding, designing and building more secure systems and networks. Topics of interest include:

The list above is not meant to be exhaustive. However, irrelevant papers that do not meet any topic of cyber security might be desk-rejected without a full review.

Submission guideline

Submitted papers must present original work, which has not been published elsewhere and is not under submission at any other venue. Papers must be written in English, with a maximum length of 8 pages for the main body and unlimited pages for Appendix and references. Submitted papers must be a PDF, formatted in compliance with the IEEE standard. A LaTeX template can be found here All submissions will be peer-reviewed for originality and scientific quality, however, violating any of the requirements set above might result in papers being rejected without a full review. Accepted papers will be presented at the main conference and included in the proceedings published by IEEE. At least one author of accepted papers is expected to attend the conference in person to present the work.

Online submission system:
Select Session: Cyber Security & Cryptography

Important Dates
The submission deadline is 23:59 AOE (Anywhere on Earth, and will be adjusted with the main conference accordingly).

Session Chairs